
The production of green hydrogen (Power-to-X) requires wind turbines, solar energy and an electrolysis process.

As with the development of energy centers (hubs) and the production of green hydrogen, the natural evolution of green technology is to view it as a single circulating energy system.

Society perceives the energy sector as a series of separate systems – gas, heating and electricity. Therefore, for many years the focus has been on optimizing each system. The mindset about how energy is produced, stored and used needs to be evolve. If this happens successfully, it will be possible to store the residual energy from one type of generation in another before it is used in a third.

This means that energy will never be wasted. In parallel we can use the carbon dioxide from existing combined cycle and biogas plants to produce hydrogen energy, and the waste heat from the electrolysis process of hydrogen production can be used to heat Bulgarian cities. As the electrolysis process generates a significant amount of heat, there will be opportunities to supply heat for district heating or to accelerate gasification in biogas plants.

The ability to transform energy from electricity to hydrogen will also create the ability to store green energy – something that is considered crucial to the success of the ecological transition.

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